Social Responsibility

Infographics & Strengths

A sincere concern for the Environment,

needs to be joined to a concrete interest for fellow human beings

and an unwavering commitment to contributing to solve the problems of society.

ILPO is well aligned with what has been stated by the Holy Father Francesco in his Encyclical  “Laudato sì – On care for our common home” where he writes that every ecological approach needs to incorporate a social perspective which takes into account the fundamental rights of the poor and the underprivileged.

Through a cooperation activity lasting now over 25 years with a local no-profit organization, ILPO has been contributing with a direct social involvement. OPIMM Onlus is an organization which, in accordance with the principles of human solidarity, aims at promoting the social integration of people with disabilities or socially disadvantaged, through education and professional training into the work environment and struggling to increase public awareness and commitment. 






 Since 1996, all the metal T-nuts co-molded with polyurethane into   the   polyurethane shells are assembled and prepared by OPIMM   disabled   workers. It is a precision work that implies attention and       consistency, as   inaccuracy in this phase could result in problems in   the subsequent   assembly phase. 



OPIMM has turned out to be a “reliable supplier” for ILPO, granting just-in-time and high quality work. Thanks to this small, continuous contribution these people’s life is positively impacted: needless to say that decisions we make and behaviors we take are deeply connected and concerned with the kind of society we want to build. 

All ILPO chair shells produced with rigid polyurethane are thus signed also by OPIMM.