Ilpo 2015
PURE ProjectILPO organized in Bologna the International conference “ILPO 2015”,
to promote the sharing of experiences and value creation among designers, producers, partners and clients.
Program of the conference “ILPO 2015” :
Rigid polyurethanes by DOW – Ms Francesca Pignagnoli – DOW ITALIA srl
Study-case LCA of PU vs PP – Ms Germana Olivieri – LCA lab
Some European environmental labels for furniture – Mr Gianmarco Gagliardi
Good design 2.0 – Mr Marcello Ziliani
FEM for chairs – Mr Alessandro Grossi
Comfort in the posture – Mr Francesco Marcolin – ERGOCERT
Case history : ILPO chairs – Mr Andrea Giavon – CATAS SpA
Renewall – Mr Tommaso Cenacchi – Renner Italia SpA
ILPO and OPIMM: a shared commitment in favor of people with disabilities – Mr Walter Consorti – OPIMM
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Francesca Pignagnoli

Germana Olivieri

Gianmarco Gagliardi

Marcello Ziliani

Alessandro Grossi
Since a few years he has the role of R&D director for important furniture brands.

Francesco Marcolin
Professor in the Faculty of Medicine in “Health Sciences”.
CEO of ERGOCERT – Certification Body for Ergonomy and administrator of Ergonomica-Ergolab.

Andrea Giavon
He has devoted his career working in one of the most well-known and important institutes at Italian and European level for the study and testing of furniture and its components becoming since 2007 its General Manager.

Tommaso Cenacchi
Since 1994 he has been working in the research and development of water-based paints.
Since 2005 researcher at Renner Italia responsible for the formulation and application uv water based products.

Valter Consorti
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